Jobs and Economic Development Impact Models
The Jobs and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) models are user-friendly tools that estimate the economic impacts of constructing and operating power generation at the local and state levels.
Based on project-specific or default inputs (derived from industry norms), JEDI estimates the number of jobs and economic impacts to a local area that could reasonably be supported by a power generation project. For example, JEDI estimates the number of in-state construction jobs from a new wind farm.
JEDI models are used by county and state decision-makers, public utility commissions, potential project owners, and others interested in the economic impacts from new electricity generation projects.
JEDI was first developed by WINDExchange to model wind energy impacts. It has been expanded to analyze concentrating solar power, biofuels, coal, and natural gas power plants.
JEDI’s user-friendly design allows novices to explore jobs and economic impacts from construction and operation of power plants. Advanced users can incorporate specific data to tailor model inputs and refine conclusions from model output.
Read more about how the models work, download the models for free, understand the output, and get answers to questions about using the model.
More Information
Tegen, S. (November 2016). Potential for Jobs and Economic Development from Offshore Wind in California (Presentation)
Tegen, S.; Keyser, D. (August 2015). JEDI: Jobs and Economic Development Impact Model (Fact Sheet)
Tegen, S.; Keyser, D.; Flores-Espino, F.; Hauser, R. (February 2015). Offshore Wind Jobs and Economic Development Impacts in the United States: Four Regional Scenarios (Technical Report)
Tegen, S. (November 2014). Offshore Wind Jobs and Economic Development Impact: Four Regional Scenarios (Presentation)
Tegen, S.; Keyser, D.; Flores-Espino, F.; Hauser, R. (August 2014). Economic Impacts from Indiana’s First 1,000 Megawatts of Wind Power (Technical Report)
Tegen, S. (May 2014). Counting Jobs and Economic Impacts from Distributed Wind in the United States (Conference Poster)
Tegen, S.; Keyser, D. (January 2014). Potential Economic Impacts from Offshore Wind in the Great Lakes Region (Fact Sheet)
Tegen, S.; Keyser, D. (January 2014). Potential Economic Impacts from Offshore Wind in the Mid-Atlantic Region (Fact Sheet)
Tegen, S.; Keyser, D.; Flores-Espino, F. (January 2014). Potential Economic Impacts from Offshore Wind in the Gulf of Mexico (Fact Sheet)
Halvatzis, S.; Keyser, D. (November 2013). Estimated Economic Impacts of Utility-Scale Wind Power in Iowa (Technical Report)
Goldberg, M.; Keyser, D. (October 2013). Transmission Line Jobs and Economic Development Impacts (JEDI) Model User Reference Guide
Zammit, D. (October 2013). Potential Economic Impacts from Offshore Wind in the United States—The Southeast Region (Report)
Tegen, S.; Keyser, S. (July 2013). Potential Economic Impacts from Offshore Wind in the Southeast Region (Fact Sheet)
Tegen, S. (June 2013). How Many Jobs Are There in the Domestic Small Wind Industry? (Conference Poster)
Lantz, E.; Goldberg, M.; Keyser, D. (June 2013). Jobs and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) Model: Offshore Wind User Reference Guide
Tegen, S. (June 2012). Jobs and Economic Development Impacts from Small Wind: JEDI Model in the Works (Presentation)
Tegen, S. (September 2012). The Impact of Wind Development on County-Level Income and Employment: A Review of Methods and an Empirical Analysis (Fact Sheet)
Reategui, S.; Hendrickson, S. (August 2011). Economic Development Impact of 1,000 MW of Wind Energy in Texas (Technical Report)
Lantz, E.; Tegen, S. (May 2011). Jobs and Economic Development from New Transmission and Generation in Wyoming (Fact Sheet)
Lantz, E.; Tegen, S. (March 2011). Jobs and Economic Development from New Transmission and Generation in Wyoming (Technical Report)
Tegen, S. (May 2010). Wind Turbine Manufacturers in the U.S.: Locations and Local Impacts (Presentation)
. Presented at WINDPOWER 2010 Conference and Exhibition, May 23-26, 2010, Dallas, TX.
Ratliff, D.J.; Hartman, C.L.; Stafford, E.R. (March 2010). An Analysis of State-Level Economic Impacts from the Development of Wind Power Plants in San Juan County, Utah (Report)
Ratliff, D.J.; Hartman, C.L.; Stafford, E.R.; Huntsman, J.M. (October 2009). An Analysis of State-Level Economic Impacts from the Development of Wind Power Plants in Summit County, Utah (Report)
Reategui, S.; Stafford, E.R.; Hartman, C.L.; Huntsman, J.M. (January 2009). Generating Economic Development from a Wind Power Project in Spanish Fork Canyon, Utah: A Case Study and Analysis of State-Level Economic Impacts (Report)
Reategui, S.; Tegen, S. (August 2008). Economic Development Impacts of Colorado’s First 1,000 Megawatts of Wind Energy (Conference Paper
. Presented at WINDPOWER 2008, June 4-7, 2006, Houston, TX.
Lantz, E.; Tegen, S. (July 2008). Variables Affecting Economic Development of Wind Energy (Conference Paper)
. Presented at WINDPOWER 2008, June 1-4, 2006, Houston, TX.
Tegen, S.; Milligan, M.; Goldberg, M. (June 2007). Economic Development Impacts of Wind Power: A Comparative Analysis of Impacts within the Western Governors’ Association States (Conference Paper)
. Presented at WINDPOWER 2007, June 3-7, 2007, Los Angeles. CA.
Mongha, N.; Stafford, E.; Hartman, C. (August 2006). An Analysis of the Economic Impact on Box Elder County, Utah, from the Development of Wind Power Plants (Report)
Mongha, N.; Stafford, E.; Hartman, C. (August 2006). An Analysis of the Economic Impact on Tooele County, Utah, from the Development of Wind Power Plants (Report)
Tegen, S.; Goldberg, M.; Milligan, M. (June 2006). JEDI II: Jobs and Economic Development Impacts from Coal, Natural Gas, and Wind Power (Conference Poster)
. Presented at WINDPOWER 2006, June 4-7, 2006, Pittsburgh, PA.
Tegen, S.; Goldberg, M.; Milligan, M. (June 2006). User-Friendly Tool to Calculate Economic Impacts from Coal, Natural Gas, and Wind: The Expanded Jobs and Economic Development Impact Model (JEDI II) (Conference Paper)
. Presented at WINDPOWER 2006, June 4-7, 2006, Pittsburgh, PA.
Mongha, N.; Stafford, E.; Hartman, C. (May 2006). An Analysis of the Economic Impact on Utah County, Utah from the Development of Wind Power Plants (Report)
Costanti, M. (September 2004). Quantifying the Economic Development Impacts of Wind Power in Six Rural Montana Counties Using NREL’s JEDI Model (Subcontractor Report)
Goldberg, M.; Sinclair, K.; Milligan, M. (March 2004). Job and Economic Development Impact (JEDI) Model: A User-Friendly Tool to Calculate Economic Impacts from Wind Projects (Conference Paper)
. Preprint; to be presented at the 2004 Global WINDPOWER Conference; Chicago, IL, USA; March 29-31, 2004.