Ocean Gate Is First New Jersey Municipality to Install Wind Turbines: A Wind Powering America Success Story
April 28, 2010

A 50-kW wind turbine in Ocean Gate, New Jersey.
For many years, Wind Powering America has supported a New Jersey Wind Working Group and Alma Rivera at the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities' Office of Clean Energy to encourage a vibrant wind energy market in New Jersey. On October 20, 2009, the municipality of Ocean Gate became the first New Jersey municipality to install wind turbines (it is also the first town to adopt the New Jersey Wind Model Ordinance). Ocean Gate will use the wind power generated from its two 50-kW turbines as the primary energy source for its municipal office building and water treatment plant. The NJ Clean Energy Program provided funding for the two systems. The wind turbines are expected to generate 224,000 kWh per year, providing about 80% of the electricity needs for the municipal office building and water treatment plant while reducing annual carbon emissions by 162 tons.