💼️ Work for Wind Energy: WINDExchange Spring 2024 Newsletter

May 29, 2024

In this (the 229th) WINDExchange newsletter issue, which you can read in your browser, you can learn about:

Wind Energy Workforce Support

  • Challenges and Solutions to Bridging the U.S. Wind Energy Workforce Gap
  • California State University Maritime Academy Claims First Place at 11th Annual Collegiate Wind Competition

Offshore Wind Energy Expansion

  • Report Shows U.S. Offshore Wind Industry Is Poised for Liftoff
  • Alaskan Coastal Waters Contain a Potential 3,800 Gigawatts in Wind, Wave, and Tidal Energy, Study Finds
  • Offshore Wind Energy’s Whirlwind Journey
  • The Challenges of Floating Offshore Wind Energy
  • U.S. Invests $950 Million To Lead Global Floating Offshore Wind Deployment

New Resources

  • Unlock Onsite Energy Solutions With the National Distributed Wind Network and Distributed Wind Energy Resource Hub
  • Navigate Wind Energy Ordinances with New WINDExchange Database
  • WINDExchange Map Illuminates U.S. Installed and Potential Wind Power Capacity
  • Wind Resource Database Serves Up Over a Petabyte of Detailed Wind Data
  • White House Outlines Resources for Offshore Wind Energy Deployment

Events & Opportunities

  • Winding Down: End of Service and Recycling for Wind Energy WINDExchange Webinar (May 30, 2024)
  • Funding for Your Distributed Wind Energy Project (June 17, 2024)
  • Give Input To Boost U.S. Wind Turbine Blade Manufacturing Innovation (July 30, 2024)

Review more news and events from WINDExchange at any time and subscribe to this quarterly newsletter.