Wind Energy in New Mexico

Capacity & Generation

Installed Capacity 4,024 MW Source: American Clean Power Association

MW Under Construction 1,300 MW Source: American Clean Power Association

Created with Highcharts 9.1.0Electric Grid Mix in New MexicoWind: 35.05%Coal: 32.18%Natural Gas: 26.07%Solar: 6.16%Hydro: 0.32%Geothermal: 0.11%Biomass: 0.06%Oil: 0.06%

Based on EIA data from 2022

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration's Open Data API, Electricity Net Generation.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration. Net Generation from Wind. Updated Annually.

U.S. Wind Turbine Database

map of wind turbines in New Mexico

The United States Wind Turbine Database (USWTDB) provides the locations of land-based and offshore wind turbines in the United States, corresponding wind project information, and turbine technical specifications. The creation of this database was jointly funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Wind Energy Technologies Office via the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Electricity Markets and Policy Group, the U.S. Geological Survey Energy Resources Program, and the American Wind Energy Association.

Maps & Data

Wind Education & Training

Career training and projects at schools in New Mexico.

Training Locations

Mesalands Community College

Clovis Community College

New Mexico State University - Alamogordo

Wind for Schools Project Locations

There are no Wind for Schools projects in New Mexico.

Policies & Incentives

5 local wind energy ordinances

New Mexico Incentives

View current New Mexico renewable energy incentives on the DSIRE website.

Renewable Portfolio Standard
Renewable portfolio standard (investor-owned utilities)
20.0% by 2020
NM Cities with 100% Renewable Energy Commitments
  • Angel Fire - 2030
  • Eagle Nest - 2030
  • Questa - 2030
  • Red River - 2030
  • Taos - 2030
  • Taos Ski Valley - 2030

WETO R&D Projects

U.S. Department of Energy’s Wind Energy Technologies Office's Wind R&D Projects Map

To view a list of wind research and development projects in New Mexico funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Wind Energy Technologies Office, visit the Wind R&D Projects Map and select New Mexico from the dropdown menu.

Wind Turbine Component Manufacturers

map of wind turbines in New Mexico

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s Wind Prospector tool is a web-based Geographical Information System that supports resource assessment and data exploration for wind development. Wind Prospector includes a data layer dedicated to the locations of U.S. wind turbine and component manufacturing and supply chain facilities. Corporate headquarters, service facilities, material suppliers, R&D and logistics centers, and smaller component manufacturers (e.g., bolt manufacturers) are not included. The list of facilities included is not intended to be exhaustive.

New Mexico Offices & Organizations

Advanced Power Alliance

The Advanced Power Alliance is the industry trade association created to promote the development of the wind energy resource as a clean, reliable, affordable, and infinite source of power. The Advanced Power Alliance is the wind energy industry’s voice within the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) and Southwest Power Pool (SPP) systems, including portions of Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming. The organization works to expand transmission capacity, increase wind power use within the region, and facilitate wind power export.

Interwest Energy Alliance

Interwest is a regional trade association representing developers and manufacturers of large-scale renewable energy, working for the responsible expansion of renewable energy in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.

Los Alamos National Laboratory

The Atmospheric Modeling team in the Computational Earth Sciences group at Los Alamos National Laboratory is studying the interaction between wind turbines and atmospheric boundary layer flows.

New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department

The Department's mission is to position New Mexico as a national leader in the energy and natural resources areas for which the Department is responsible. One of the Department's divisions, the Energy Conservation and Management Division, serves as the state energy office and promotes energy efficiency and renewable energy, including wind energy.

New Mexico Renewable Energy Transmission Authority

The New Mexico Renewable Energy Transmission Authority was established by the New Mexico legislature in 2007 to plan, finance, develop, and acquire high-voltage transmission lines and storage projects to promote economic development in New Mexico.

Sandia National Laboratories

The U.S. Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories offer the following wind research facilities to meet industry needs:

  • -The Advanced Simulation and Computing program, which helps achieve overall wind energy cost reductions and increased turbine performance. Recent wind research at the facility has supported advancement in designing more effective wind turbine blades by predicting their performance and behaviors before they are built, developing wind turbine blade noise prediction methods, and improving the ability to predict power-generation impacts from wakes and the motion of air within an array of wind turbines
  • -The Facility for Antenna and Radar Cross-Section Measurement, used for researching the manufacture of wind turbine blades with radar-absorbing materials
  • -The Lightning Simulator for research related to turbine blade damage caused by lightning strike
  • -The Scaled Wind Farm Technology Facility for research to improve wind plant performance and test new wind turbine components
  • -The Wake Imaging Measurement System, which measures the wind turbine wake phenomena researchers need to develop solutions to wind plant underperformance.